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Wisdom from God's Word: 1

Anyone up for gaining a little more wisdom?

People today have become known as seekers of knowledge. There is a gourmet feast literally at our

fingertips and we devour it daily. We feed on growing our minds for little in life is accomplished without adequate research and perseverance to learn. We drive ourselves to this end and often put this same expectation on others.

But without the right application, knowledge can be useless at the best of time and dangerous at its worst. In this day and age, wisdom is more important than ever, and I for one am eager to learn it from a source that remains constant, absolute, current and is not ruled by man-made laws.

The book of Proverbs from the Holy Bible.

So, if you are game, this is your personal invitation to join me in a bible study online. My goal is weekly but bare with me if life gets in the way. Our aim is to grow into wisdom, and learn how to apply God's wisdom for this time in your life.

As we age and mature, we begin to recognize different seasons while passing through them. Life changes direction quite suddenly and without notice. So, your word for today will be different from any other time in your history or your future.

· Today, there is a word from God concerning our situation or someone close to us;

· Today, there is an absolute truth available to the seeker, that has withstood the seasons of time, despite social changes;

· Today, there is hope, if we will study to show ourselves approved.

So... are you still with me?

Good! I'm excited to open the Word and see what God has for all of us. I'm in the learning mode here as well, so feel free to comment and get a conversation going. The main thing is that we show up and receive a gold nugget designed just for us from the living God. Let me know if you're on board and I'm not out here talking to myself. It's always fun to learn something new together, or simply be reminded of a truth that needs application for this season of our lives.

Invitation Extended! Here we go.

The introduction can at times seem a bit dry, so once again, bare with me. It's important that we understand the what, why and how this book was written to receive its full benefit.


A proverb is a short, pithy saying meant to express a truth or moral. It is a collection of sayings, and good advise for people of all ages. It provides a variety of topics which affect our everyday lives for the positive or the negative. Our choice! God is all about free-will choices. Some topics covered are marriage, behaviour, friendship, foolishness, wealth, poverty, family love, laziness warnings, adultery and love.


In 2 lines or less, a forceful idea is presented that has the power to change our daily lives.

Application: It is much like a blog … short, to the point ... and presents a moment of decision. Does the information apply to me? Can I use it for my benefit or someone else? Do I want or need to take action on that point? Do I love Knowledge? Do I learn from wise words? Am I a fool? Ouch!


It is written with a few powerful words that impact the soul and inspire a call to action. This is every writer’s goal. Proverbs is no exception, in fact it is a model for short and sweet thoughts that provide boundaries and keep us on the right path. It is composed of sayings, generally coupled clauses with similar thoughts told in different words or form. Sometimes the clause will strengthen the initial idea using contrasts or it will express the same thought but in a different way.


Solomon. Proverbs is the Wisdom of Solomon: a gift given to him by God. He authored some and has gathered others from different sources. But, God inspired the entire book, and His stamp of approval is on it. Amen.


The book is proven, whether scientific or moral. All statements are accurate and the message is not contradictory.


Proverbs is found in the Old Testament, pretty much in the centre of the Bible. As a writer myself, I tend to cut up stories or books into segments, or acts, each one designed to fulfill a specific job. If we get the centre of the Bible right, the end of our story will be glorious.

Proverbs is a meat diet, intended for hungry students of life. It provides practical reflection and a sure foundation for us to stand on and live by.

‘The end’ is close in sight. We are running a race; a good race hopefully.

I hope you will join me today in this desire: That wisdom will nurture a legacy of faith that we will be proud to leave our loved ones.

**Don’t forget to leave a comment or reflection to inspire others.**

See you next time, when we roll up our sleeves and dig in.

Blessings from a fellow student of the Word


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