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Tis the Season to be Busy: Fa-la-la-la-la... Writing, Christmas, Retirement & Fun.

Hello, I'm Back!

It has been a while since I've blogged, so I thought I'd just send out a HELLO and tell you what I've been doing. If you are receiving this on my email list, a double hello. You all have been supporters from the start and I appreciate it more than you know. But, I finally got the new site linked with MailChimp (technology!), so I hope you will drop over and take a peek. Especially the blogs, see what you've missed. Or the new Jones page that will update you with the frontier characters - the ones that keep the arthritis out of my typing-fingers just putting their stories on paper.


Is a super busy season for us all, even when you're in the sunny south, retired and snow-birding (that's a youthful phrase - verbing a noun- I hear it's the in-language of teens). Although there is no snow here, (except the man-made stuff kids slide down hills in t-shirts and shorts), the south is big on concerts, light shows, walking tours of Jesus' birth, church and camp events, lots of food (which is not anything unusual) and all the fellowship and house parties you have time for. No pressure here about shopping, since Black Friday is over and gifts have already been given at home months ago. I'm thinking; Christmas in July is beginning to sound like a new tradition I need to incorporate into my wee family. Although I miss them all this time of year, I know they are busy celebrating life and will be waiting for us when we return in the spring.


Hidden - Book 1 in the Jones Star Series. Thought I'd try my hand an adult series. (Hope you all will like it). It is light on the historical side but heavy on character and romance. The story of Patrick and Ruth Ellen unfolds in a fictional town in Montana territory and visits Boston just in time for Valentine's day. That's when it will be released on Amazon for you to read. You can catch up on the progress and the content I've been posting on the Jones Star blog page, There is a way for you to read for free: on special Freebie days or join the launch team (pre-read for feedback & review on launch day). E-mail me if interested.


I started a marketing/launch course with Derek Murphy and have been busy trying to dot all the i's and cross the t's in my branding and publishing efforts. It is all VERY overwhelming, so, any tid-bits I can put into effect is one step further than yesterday's progress. There are a number of ways you can be a part of this series launch. Some of you already are and I thank you. Please, email me or check the contact page on the website (linked above) and see all the online connections to my sites and ways you can interact.


Whoever said life slows down when you retire was not retired. Working for a paycheque may be over, but volunteers are needed everywhere, for any cause you feel inclined to support. Hubby is now home 24/7 and, to be perfectly honest, that takes some adjusting on both sides of the relationship. Paul is supportive of my writing, but thinks I should be able to write a book in a week (I only wish); not even taking into consideration the marketing strategies and email overload. But, he is finding his niche in helping people, (no surprise there). He has the gift of helps, and makes himself available to anyone with a problem to fix. God has blessed us and we are available for Him to use however he chooses in the years to come.


Hope you have checked out some of the new movies this fall. Along the Christmas theme, The Star, an animated nativity story, is entertaining for both children and adults. Also, 'Let There be Light': is a must see for anyone needing proof for Christianity (or knows someone who does). I always post sweet romance/inspirational books on my FaceBook Author site. Drop by and like my page and keep an eye for my latest picks and book inormation.

Well, guess that's all for today. Just wanted to touch base, and tell you all how much I appreciate your interaction and support. Hope you will help me to spread the word (books or blogs, fiction or not) and together, let's do a little bit to touch the world with absolute truth that never will go out of style.

Blessings and a Very Merry Christmas from Dream Creations:

Marlene Bierworth. (words-4-the-family-author).

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