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5 Entertaining ways to Use Romance Books to Improve Your Love Life

Everyone enjoys reading a good book, right? If not you don't know what your missing. I'm not talking about the self-help books, but the entertaining kind. The ones that pluck you from your world, however messy it is at the moment, and deposit you into someone else' life. A character that inspires you.

And who better to inspire love than the characters in a romance novel?


The first step to understanding the whole romance thing is to get lost in the pages of someone else's love life. I am not referring to sex here. Romance is an everyday set up that may or may not lead you into the bedroom. The best books in my opinion, are the ones that close the door when things get hot. Sweet romance is what marketing call it.

Let yourself sink into the mood, experience the emotion and be inspired to carry this feeling into the real world. In all truth, your partner is the hero of the book, and whether they demonstrate the same attributes as this engaging fictional character, he or she is your flesh and blood chosen one.


Books oftentimes suggest, in the midst of fictional life, ideas that will fit your situation. Or even if they don't, maybe they can be incorporated into your relationship and spice up the routine. It doesn't have to be a knock-out plan, just something that registered in your mind as a kind gesture. Romancing someone is not all about you, in fact it should never be about you, so learn to focus on your partner and plan to meet their needs or desires.


Half the fun is planning it. All the ideas in the world are not going to amount to anything if you don't put them into action. Your partner will appreciate your efforts and warm up to the mood you set-up every time.

Let's face it, we are not always at our best in setting the mood for romance: In the hurry of the day, most times we do quite the opposite. But that's life, and don't beat yourself up over the failures. The special gestures and events you plan will become all the more exciting to your unsuspecting spouse.


In everyday life, letting emotions lead is not always the best plan, as they can send us topsy-turvy in trouble more often than not. But, with romance, it's all about emotion. So let it rip, and enjoy. Plant all the seeds you want along the way, until you have your partner eating out of the palm of your hand. And, always remember to take heed to the old saying, 'what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico'. In our case, 'what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom'. Romance is a fragile thing and one partner can destroy the efforts of another by not respecting privacy.


So, any good books slated in your near future? I read at least one, but often many more, each week. I love sweet romance because it kindles the flame without giving step by step instruction. There is another name for that kind of writing, but we won't go there.

The first book in my new series, HIDDEN, is on sale on Amazon: usually .99 cents. It is a historical, western, faith-based adventure. Light on history and big on characters and storyline. You may consider reading this one for relaxation and to get you in the mood for romance with your partner.


Or join us on the Facebook romance book page to interact.

Whatever you plan, do not neglect this important aspect of relationship with your spouse. There is always room for improvement, today is a new day and your future will be brighter as a result your efforts in the romance department.

Forever-In-Love is a long time. Feed your partner love-seeds daily!

A thought for today from Marlene at Dream Creations

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